Lauralton Hall

Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy

Student Service


"It is for God we serve the poor and not for thanks."



Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy




Works of Mercy, our service program

At Lauralton, service is a path we walk each day—as real as our shining hallway floorboards, as tangible as the shade-dappled sidewalks that crisscross our campus. This path leads us to prioritize service and commit meaningful amounts of time helping others. Otherwise peace, justice, and compassion are simply ideas . A Mercy education makes these values real.

Lauralton Hall students have many service opportunities from which to choose. In view of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si to "care for our common home," we have added several service opportunities related to care of the earth and God’s creatures. Our program also links our school to the global community through national and international mission trips. In addition, Lauralton Hall collaborates with Fairfield Prep throughout the year to support the families of Blessed Sacrament Church in Bridgeport.

Hallway Srs

Lauralton students are required to volunteer a minimum of 75 hours over the course of four years.

Freshmen Year: 15 hours consisting of five hours of service to the school and ten hours to an outside non-profit agency*

Sophomore Year: 30 hours of service to a non-profit agency that serves the least fortunate of God’s people

Junior Year: 15 hours consisting of five hours of service to the school and ten hours to an outside non-profit agency*

Senior Year: 15 hours consisting of five hours of service to the school and ten hours to an outside non-profit agency*

*These are preferred breakdowns of time but are not set in stone. For example, a student may choose to spend four hours in service to the school and 11 hours in service to an outside organization.

Some of the non-profit organizations where our students have volunteered include:
Local senior centers, Mercy Learning Center, Milford Boys and Girls Clubs, Beth-El Center, and Homes for The Brave. 

The prestigious Frances Warde Service Award is given annually to any student who accumulates 100 or more hours of service in one school year. For the form to record your service hours for this award, please click here.



Calendar List

Last Day to Change Schedule
LH Founder's Day
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Afternoon Assembly Schedule