Lauralton Hall

Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy

Athletic Registration


Online registration through FinalForms is now the only way to register for Lauralton Hall athletics.  To register on FinalForms, please create an account and complete all necessary documents no later than one week prior to the beginning of your season.  To access registration forms and/or create an account please follow the directions on this link:  Parent Registration Playbook

Your electronic signature certifies that you have read and agree to the terms outlined in the cardiac arrest and concussion waivers and to the rules and regulations in the Lauralton Hall Parent-Student Athlete Handbook.

If you have any FinalForms support questions, contact them at  Please feel free to contact Kim Bernier, Athletic Office Manager at (203) 877-2786 ext. 119 with questions regarding the athletic program or for further information. 

  • In addition to uploading the Health Assessment Record (State of CT blue form) from a current physical in FinalForms, a hard copy must be on file in the Nurse's office.
    • Physicals should be valid through the entire season for which you are registering. You will receive email notification if your physical is due to expire during the season.
  • No athlete will be allowed to participate until the online registration has been completed, a current physical is on file in FinalForms and with the school nurse.
  •  The baseline impact test must also be completed if applicable.

Baseline Testing
Freshmen, junior, and transfer athletes will be required to take a baseline impact test before tryouts begin. Below are the instructions to take the baseline impact test from home:

1.      Click here to access the online testing site and enter the code: 64d9c82e08

2.      Before you start your test, carefully review the instructions for at home testing here.

Please note: You will need an external mouse or trackpad in order to complete the Impact Test. Touchscreens should not be used for test administration.

All baseline testing must be completed before the first day of tryouts. Please e-mail if you have any questions.


Athletic Travel Waiver
All athletes are expected to take the bus with the team to and from games.  If circumstances do not allow this, a travel waiver needs to be emailed to the Mr. Lindwall, LHAthletics, and the coach, at least 24 hours in advance.