Minimum Requirements for Graduation
Subject Credit
Religion 4.00
English 4.00
World Languages 2.00
Science 3.00
Mathematics 3.00
History 3.00
Fine Arts 1.00 Non-Academic
First Year Experience
Financial Intelligence
Junior Guidance Seminar
Senior Guidance Seminar Class of 2023 only
Electives 4.00
TOTAL 24.00 Academic Credits
Requirements by Grade
- All students are required to carry at least six academic courses each semester. After a student completes her first non-academic credit in Fine Arts ( Visual Arts or Music), she may elect to take future Fine Arts courses for either academic or nonacademic credit. If a student selects academic credit for the course, that course will be included in her weighted GPA as a College Prep course. A student may take this course to complete her required required six academic courses per semester.
- At least two credits of the same World Language are required for graduation.
- It is highly recommended that students take four years of math, science and world languages.