Lauralton Hall

Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy

Graduation Requirements

Minimum Requirements for Graduation

Subject Credit

Religion 4.00

English 4.00

World Languages 2.00

Science 3.00

Mathematics 3.00

History 3.00

Fine Arts 1.00 Non-Academic

First Year Experience

Financial Intelligence

Junior Guidance Seminar

Senior Guidance Seminar Class of 2023 only

Electives 4.00

TOTAL    24.00 Academic Credits 

Requirements by Grade

  • All students are required to carry at least six academic courses each semester. After a student completes her first non-academic credit in Fine Arts ( Visual Arts or Music), she may elect to take future Fine Arts courses for either academic or nonacademic credit. If a student selects academic credit for the course, that course will be included in her weighted GPA as a College Prep course. A student may take this course to complete her required required six academic courses per semester.
  • At least two credits of the same World Language are required for graduation.
  • It is highly recommended that students take four years of math, science and world languages.

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