Lauralton Hall

Sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy

Environment and Sustainability

Our Policy

Rooted in the mission of Lauralton Hall and the Mercy Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, Lauralton Hall holds a respectful view of the natural world as the unique creation of God. Therefore, we take seriously our responsibility for caring for creation in partnership with the Creator. Lauralton Hall accepts responsibility for carefully monitoring its use of resources, minimizing waste production, maximizing recycling, and implementing ecologically sensitive management and development of its campus. We also seek to manage the natural and built environment in an ecologically sound manner that models an ethical approach to the care of the Earth.

At Lauralton Hall, we are actively involved in a variety of projects and partnerships to “go green.” From clubs to committees, recycling to carbon reduction, from exploiting new technologies to adaptive reuse, we seek to advocate and implement best practice in reducing our overall carbon footprint.